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Why is Cryo Biobank so important?

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You need Cryo Biobank


In every sight of thecryo-preservation and biological research department, cryo biobank is known scientifically as a genome resource bank, which refers to the standardization of the collection, processing, storage and use of health and disease organisms of large biological molecules, cells, tissues and organs such as samples (including human tissue, blood, plasma, serum and biological fluids or processed in biological samples (DNA, RNA, protein etc.), (animal samplesincluding sperm, oocytes/unfertilized eggs and embryos), and clinical associated with these biological samples, pathology, treatment and follow-up, informed consent and data quality control, information management and application system.


It provides insurance against the loss of the world’s current genetic diversity.

It serves as an alternative to transporting live animals and plants between zoos, gardens and countries.

It offers a means of rescuing and storing genes and later producing offspring from animals and plants that did not reproduce naturally in their lifetime.

Freezing plant and animal tissues greatly extends the genetic lifespan of any individual plant or animal.

Space in zoos and botanical gardens is inadequate to house the numbers of animals and plants needed to ensure a high level of genetic diversity for the next century.

It provides material for future studies.


Add: Chenbao Industrial Park,Xinxiang City,Henan Province,China.    
Cell phone:+8617329375552     Tel:+86-373-5871333     E-mail: info@jxcryo.com
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