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10 canisters 50 liters liquid nitrogen transportation tank
time:2017-04-19 16:50:34 Views:3441
10 canisters 50 liters liquid nitrogen transportation tank

Some customers required for equivalents of liquid nitrogen freezer Chart MVE XC47/11-10 because they may have urgently needs on delivery time or lower cost. So we developed our own model YDS50B-125/10. Its highlights are as follows:

50 liters liquid capacity;

125mm neck diameter;

10 canisters with double goblets;

tranportation type with bottom support between inner & outer vessels;

3 built-in lockable moving wheels;

protective outer jacket;

5 years vacuum warranty


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   Address:Chenbao Industrial Park,Xinxiang City,Henan Province,China.
copy right:Xinxiang Jinxin Import and Export Machinery Co.,Ltd 
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