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Whole body cryotherapy benefits
time:2016-09-28 15:33:36 Views:2503
Whole body cryotherapy benefits

Originally invented by doctors as a powerful anti-inflammatory tool, whole body cryotherapy is now being recognized as an important restorative treatment for the body and mind. When your body briefly exposed to cryogenic temperatures ranging from - 184 F to - 264 F *. Extreme cold can stimulate temperature receptors in the skin to activate the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, resulting in reduction of pain and inflammation,  and improvement in mood, improvements to physique, and the overall health of the body generally enhancing your overall health, wellness, and being.

Whole Body Cryotherapy and associated treatments improve your day to day lifestyle. The “fight or flight” response achieved during a short WBC session delivers a full body effect sorely lacking in our 21st century existence. The natural systemic response will help you feel present, reduce the effects of stress, and enhance your day to day activities and routines allowing you to be your best and happiest self. We at JX Cryo help our clients combine the various forms of health, beauty, wellness, and spirit to live the complete and full life our clients deserve. Our centers are designed to be social environments where our clients can support each other and make lasting bonds and connections. We aim to make JX Cryo the best part of your day and an experience, network, and feeling that you take with you wherever you end up.

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